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Sieving for large twin smooth integers using single solutions to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem. Optimized for single solutions by doing the modulo computation first.
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ApCoCoA-server, -packages and CoCoA-Lib with external libraries. CI compiles, tests, and sets up all executables in one folder, as required for the ApCoCoA-2 GUI.
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Helfer zur Abgabe der eigenen Lösung von Code-Aufgaben in Programmierung
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Nico Mexis / RPi_Measurement_Kernel
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyBare minimum Kernel for the Raspberry Pi to examine memory chips via SPI
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Philipp Eichhammer / synflood_demo
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Tests bzgl. Cherry-Picks im Zusammenhang mit Konflikten und Merges
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Preliminary project to set up my master's work, in which the issues of dynamic windowing and multiple changes in one window will be studied.
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Philipp Eichhammer / hashcat_demo
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Take Input APK files and automatically convert them into Smali formate from DEX using Apktool. Analyze the inter-app communications among the APKs.